Friday, January 14, 2011
58 'minor' girls rescued from Budhwar Peth
Dhure said the girls will be medically examined to determine their age. "Action will be taken against the brothel-owners if the girls are found to be below 18 years of age," he said. Police investigations have revealed that the girls were brought to Pune from West Bengal, Assam, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and Nepal. "The minor girls will be lodged in observation homes. We will counsel them and send them back to their families," Dhure said. A police team headed by deputy commissioner of police Dnyaneshwar Phadtare, two assistant commissioners of police, three inspectors, 10 subinspectors and 150 policemen conducted the searches, said senior police inspector Venkat Gangalwad of the Faraskhana police station.
The police will register cases against seven brothel-keepers under the Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act.
The Times of India