Saturday, June 22, 2013
Minor girls rescued by community intervention in pithoragarh
This incident was happened in a very remote village of pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand in March 2013. ‘Anita’ the 14 years minor girl got free from the hand of traffickers. Her mother Geeta Devi sold them to the traffickers of Uttarpradesh in the name of marriage. Anita was lives in a village chahli, P.O Patti Goel, Tehsil Gangolighat District Pithoragarh, It is a very remote village and difficult to reach. She was lives with her mother and young siblings in a very poor condition. Her mother was approved by some people of Uttar Pradesh, who were offering Rs 25,000 to have marriage with Anita. Then Geeta, Anita’s mother became ready. The Deal was settled between them. All persons reached to the village on a given date. But the villagers became suspicious of the activities of these persons and finally they informed the police, by the intelligence of the villagers and rapid action by the police, Anita was in safe hands. Police arrested the five accused. Anita’s mother Geeta devi also arrested in her involvment in attempt to marriage of a minor . As accused were Rajkumar Gupta S/o Harish Ram, Bunty Kumar S/o Ashok Kumar, Ashok Kumar S/o Banke lal, Sahabe Alam S/o Muslim Hussain, Ankur Sharma S/o Virendra Sharma all of them resident of Muradabad of Uttar Pradesh. When the Empower People, Uttarakhand Chapter got this information, the head of the Chapter Gyanendra Kumar and project Co-ordinator Priya Raturi went for the follow up of the victim Anita to this remote village of Pithoragarh. Anita was gone from there. Her family shifted from village Chahli to an another village in the first week of June 2013. Now lives in a village near Seraghat in Pithoragarh District. All accused became free from jail on bail. But team of Empower People Uttarakhand Chapter regularly taking the follow up of Anita.
Report : Gyanendra Kumar, convenor (Uttarakhand Chapter), Empower People. With Ms. Priya Raturi. Project co-ordinator. After the visit of the pithoragarh.