Sunday, March 27, 2011
Tips For Keeping Your Teen Safe From Child Sex Trafficking
Children as young as 9 haave been found walking on 'kiddie stroll' and even younger sold on Craigslist for sex.
Do you know who you teens' friends are?
Update::: Criagslist has finally censored it's adult section and backpage is now the #1 site for child sex trafficking
Try and know who all of your teens' friends are because, now a days, your teens' friends, can be more than what they seem.
Story after story in the news illustrates this very theme. Boy meets girl. Girls falls in love with boy. Boy convinces girl to have sex with him and his friends to earn some extra cash. Next thing you know, the girl is gone.
If she lives and gets away somehow, She usually tells these horrible tales of brutalrape, torture, coercion, and love. Yes, she loves him, Her pimp. Her abuser, and in some cases, she is willing to do anything for that love including, luring in otheryoung girls to endure the same.
It is a sick, twisted, evil reality that is taking our nation by storm. Learn ALL you can to protect your child from this brutal, and non forgiving existence.
Ignorance is NOT bliss in this case , lest your child become an unwitting victim of the ever growing domestic (USA) child sex trafficking trade.
Quick tips:
1. Your child's privacy may be important, but so is their safety. Keep an eye open for new boyfriend/ girlfriend relationships. Note::: Quick girl Friendships can also be dangerous. Try talking with your child about every single relationship they are currently or will be in, and try steering them away from potentially bad ones by engaging them in special activities or sports.
2. Boys can become victims too, and pedophiles will 'groom' young boys for the sex trade just as a pimp will 'groom' a young girl.
3. Keep your child busy. This way, there will be less time for 'just hanging out' away from home.
4. Use child protective software to check child's cell phone, computer, and other mobile devices. Pimps and sexual predators are slick when it comes to controlling children through electronic means and im's online. Your child may want to tell you they are in danger, but feel as if they can't because of threats or coercion.
Remember::: You are the parent!!! Cell phones, computer, and other mobile devices are privileges, not rights. Don't let your child make you feel guilty for keeping them safe. This IS your job and responsibility.
5. Use a simple GPS device to keep tabs on your kid. I recommend the Amber Alert GPS. It works and it is one of the best I have found for the best area parameter option settings and price.. ( If your child leaves or doesn't show up at the designated area for some reason, you are immediately notified by text message on your cell phone, and you can arrange for rescue or help right away. It's that simple. Communication with your child is the key here.
America is the #1 place to buy sex with a child online or off
Fact: Most children who become prostituted were 'turned out' at the age of 11 or 12.
Fact: Most children are 'turned out' by a "boyfriend."
Fact: Most children come from 'normal' homes and go to school regularly.
Fact: An estimated 300,000 children a year become victims of childhood child sextrafficking a year.
Fact: 1 out 5 girl children will be sexually abused before she is 18, usually by someone she knows. and an estimated 1 out of 10 boys will also suffersexual abuse. This rate of instance has proven to be higher for boys who attend Catholic church.
Fact: Pimps are kidnapping children right off the street in almost every major city in the US, and the news media, police departments, and the FBI is NOT telling you the facts. It is called guerrilla pimping and it's all the rage among street thug pimps.
Fact: Pimps are enrolling brainwashed females, called "wifeys" or "bottom bitches," in local Jr. and high schools with the sole purpose of gaining trust to induct new recruits onto their team.
Fact: Child sex trafficking is a BILLION dollar a year organized crime operation using sites like Craigslist, Backpage, and Red Book to do business and sell children to local and overseas paedophiles daily.
Fact: Craigslist is the #1 site to buy a child for sex.
Fact: Child sex trafficking is usually a mobile business where 'the team' (Pimp, wifeys, and kiddies) go from town to town or truck stop to truck stop, posting ads on sites like Craigslist to entice paedophiles to rape these children for hire.
Fact: The prostituted child is brainwashed into believing she is worthless and that nobody will want her anymore. She/he is afraid of cops and anyone that could help her, including her parents.
Fact: There is 'code' on the street that the child must follow to survive. It is apart of the brainwashing technique and understood by everyone who works in the sex trade. If you don't know it and try to 'rescue' a child, you could get killed or get them killed instead. It is very difficult to infiltrate these teams without knowing 'the code.'
Fact: Ice water baths, beating, trunking, and other torture techniques are purposely used to create Stockholm syndrome to create perfect obedience and compliance.
Fact: Most children who run away from home are picked up by a pimp only 24-48 hours after being gone from home. Pimps and wifeys stroll bus stops, airports, malls, parking lots, and schools prowling for young flesh to recruit, which they call 'kiddies.'
Fact; police do not look for run aways; even if your child is not a run away but they perceive it to be so, they will refuse to look or find your child even though they know where pimps sell children locally online and off.
Fact: Most major cities have a 'blade' or 'kiddie stroll', where children or young people are sold for sex.
Fact: A study in Atlanta revealed 40% of the men looking to buy sex, were looking to buy sex with a child under 15.
Fact: The center for missing and exploited children has the real statistics on missing children that the media refuses to report.
Fact; A simple GPS device can enable you and your child to develop a program of safety together.
Fact: Proper Communication of the facts and good child-parent relationships is the #1 prevention tool of child sex trafficking.
Fact: Most children are exposed to violent forms of porn by the age of 11 through Internet, mobile devices, and television or movies. This causes a warped sense of sexuality among teens who are still growing and developing, physically and psychologically. Alot of times this is causing mental disorders and sexual addictions in some kids, causing them to act out violently or to rape or molest other children. More and more teens today are being found with violent S&M 'kiddie porn' on their mobile devices or computers.
Real Talk
Talk to your kids about as much as possible about everything and learn the terms of the sex trade. Chances are you kid already knows and uses, some of these terms.
Limit your child's exposure to pimp and ho culture and porn, through MTV, radio, television, and video games. The pimp and ho culture tells young girls that they are Ho's, and in order to be accepted in society today, this is what they need to be. Young men think it is OK to abuse children and young women, and force them to sell sex for money through force, coercion, and rape.
Talk with your kids about prevention, protection, drugs, and relationships.
View with your kids several times and practice, practice, practice, These FREE abduction, sexual assault,and attack techniques could save you or your child's life. Learn them today!
Bottom Line
Pimps are always looking for that 'new' kid to break in and turn out. They study kids, go to pimp conventions, and learn from each other how to be the best pimp they can be. They know all the ways your kids are thinking in order to lure them into the sex trade. They don't care about your kid, this is a CASH business and your child is the product for sale.
The only thing that is stopping them is YOU!
REMEMBER::::Your child's worthy and good self esteem can save their life. A pimp is always looking for the 'sad' kid he/ she can cheer up.
Share this hub with your kids... post it on your Facebook and share it with your friends ~ you could save a thousand lives.