Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram on Friday asked the police forces to get enrolled in the 'Anti-Human Trafficking Certificate Course' launched by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (
IGNOU) in partnership with the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).
Launching the Course here today, Chidambaram suggested that those in the police forces should mandatorily enroll in the Course.
He also suggested that police forces should include more women officers who can serve as anti-human trafficking officers some time in their career.
The purpose of the Course is to accelerate the process of sensitization, awareness and training of law enforcement officials and other stake-holders like prosecutors, Government Departments and NGOs.
The Vice-Chancellor of IGNOU, Prof. Rajashekharan Pillai said that this is a unique programme, which has been launched on the Human Rights Day.
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Trafficking in persons for various purposes such as commercial sexual exploitation, forced labor, domestic servitude, begging, and public sport etc. is an organized crime that gravely violates basic human rights.
Reports of such a criminal activity taking place are a matter of concern to the Government, particularly in reference to law enforcement response as the crime has not received due priority at the cutting edge level of police station.
This is attributed to lack of awareness, sensitization, and knowledge of laws and investigation skills and also about lack of appreciation on some of the unique features of this type of crime.
A Certificate Programme on Anti-Human Trafficking by IGNOU will substantially help in furthering and complementing MHA's efforts on training and competence building in the area of Anti-Human Trafficking.
The Ministry of Home affairs is implementing a scheme titled "Strengthening the law enforcement response in India against Trafficking in Persons through Training and Capacity Building".
The Scheme has two components: establishing Integrated Antihuman trafficking Units and Training of Trainers. (ANI)