Wednesday, December 8, 2010
16 forms of gender violence and 16 ways to stop it
Violence against women takes many forms: beyond rape and sexual harassment. Violence against women may also take many forms of psychological abuse, intimidation and harassment. UNFPA calls for action from across communities to end any form of violence against women in 16 days of activism from November 25 to December 10, 2010.
All are unacceptable violations of human rights. Together they form a huge obstacle to gender equality and genuine human progress.
Each year, for 16 days, bookended by the International Day to End Violence Against Women (25 November) and Human Rights Day (1 December), groups from around the world join together to speak out against gender violence in a campaign orchestrated by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership at Rutgers University.
This year's theme – Structures of Violence: Defining the Intersections of Militarism and Violence Against Women -- looks beyond specific forms of violence to underlying societal structures that permit gender-based violence to exist and persist.
The organizers define militarism “as an ideology that creates a culture of fear and supports the use of violence, aggression, or military interventions for settling disputes and enforcing economic and political interests.”
Sixteen Ways UNFPA Works to End Gender Violence
1. Calling for an end to impunity for those who perpetrate violence against women. Both the Secretary-General's UNiTE campaign and our Executive Director's statement make it clear that violence against women can no longer be tolerated.
2. Highlighting the need to include involve women in peace and reconciliation processes. This year’s State of World Population report focused on the impact of war and humanitarian crises on women, and on the importance of fully implementing Security Council resolutions that address women’s role in the peace and reconciliation process. See also the Stop Rape Now campaign and our social media space.
3. Protecting women and girls in the aftermath of humanitarian crises. Following the earthquake inHaiti and flooding in Pakistan, UNFPA played a lead role in setting in place and coordinating displaced women and girls.
4. Delivering as One to end violence against women. UN agencies, governments and civil society areworking together in Burkina Faso, Chile, Fiji, Jamaica, Jordan, Kyrgystan, Paraguay, Philippines, Rwanda and Yemen to support survivors of violence and change the attitudes and structure that perpetuate it.
5. Engaging boys in their formative year with messages of gender equality. Breakaway, an electronic football game, launched at the time of the World Cup, aims its social messages about respecting girls at 8- to 15-year-old boys.
6. Calling for an end to female genital mutilation/cutting in a generation. Accelerating Change, the Joint UNFPA/UNICEF programme to encourage abandonment of FGM/C, is setting in motion a dynamic for positive change in communities that support this harmful practice.
7. Calling attention to sexual violence as an instrument of war. Congo/Women, an international photography exhibition and educational campaign, compels viewers to acknowledge the suffering endured by women and girls in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and to recognize the human faces behind it. See also this related documentary.
8. Enlisting sports heroes to speak out against gender-based violence. A public service announcementby football star Sam Eto’o urges men to be champions in life by taking a stand against gender-based violence.
9. Addressing the needs of women in refugee camps. Refugee camps are intended to be safe havens – but displaced women often face many forms of gender-based violence. UNFPA is part of an interagency team that sends gender advisers to humanitarian settings to ensure that women’s needs are being addressed. See also this related video.
10. Using culturally sensitive approaches Gender-based violence is a deeply rooted problem that demands strategic, comprehensive and culturally sensitive approaches. In ten countries, UNFPA has applied such approaches and documented the experiences for development practitioners as well as other interested parties. See the multi-media exhibit. See also these case studies.
11. Highlighting the injustice of child marriage and too-early pregnancy. Child marriage is a human rights violation with social, cultural and economic dimensions, including high rates of maternal mortality and injury.
12. Working with religious leaders to end tolerance for gender-based violence. UNFPA values the influence of religious leaders in preventing violence within families and reducing maternal mortality. The Fund works hard to build bridges between faith-based practitioners and development practitioners.
13. Giving people who have lived with violence new channels for self-expression. Around the world, various forms of art – from breakdancing and painting to puppetry and crafts, are used to soothe tormented spirits and teach lessons about war and peace.
14. Forming partnerships with men to end violence against women. Constructive engagement of men and boys aims to encourage them to play positive roles in the lives of women and girls, while improving their own lives.
15. Assisting survivors of domestic violence. Women often stay with abusive partners because they have no other place to go. UNFPA-supported shelters offer an alternative. Read the feature story, view a related video.
16. Documenting the long-lasting effects of rape and torture. The psychological impact of rape – as well as the physical scars – can fester for decades, as portrayed in this feature story and photographs.
OneWorld South Asia